Cures Marines Trouville-sur-Mer

72 Our partners IYASHI DÔME Founded by Shogoro Uemura, Iyashi Dôme is designed to respond to a real need for detox and wellbeing, while bringing about a profound rebalancing of the body. It features the Infratherapy technique, which is both gentle and powerful. REBALANCE IMPULSE® A cognitive stimulation and training device, Rebalance Impulse® helps combat chronic stress, improves sleep quality, and helps strengthen the immune system. MAISON EPIGENETIC Their mantra is to take a 360° view of life, and as such they have created a method that is based on the 5 pillars of epigenetics. Through the latest advances in epigenetics, they can measure, compare and treat, by calculating your true age – that is, the age of your body. You can then implement a new lifestyle. The result? The body is rejuvenated, and your inner health resources are optimised. EVOLEUM MA French nutricosmetics brand that combines science and nature to offer unique products targeting both beauty and wellbeing. Its Drinkable Cosmetics products are a range of highly concentrated, sensorial liquid formulas that deliver all the essential nutrients needed by skin cells, in a targeted way.